Tuesday, August 30, 2011



I know I am getting a bit ahead of myself here... there is no need to determine a logo this early in the piece. But I just wanted to share something with you guys that I saw today. The logo of a TV station here in China.... As you can see, they've incorporated the characters from their name into a kind of mosaic logo. I quite like it. Sorry it is not very clear - its captured off the TV.

Matt C (03-09-11)

It looks like we have a bit of consensus between the chinese speakers amongst our group to name our studio as "易作坊“ after today's meeting.

the character 易 (yi) has a multitude of meaning:


it is also the name of one of the most significant classic text in Chinese history 易經"Classic of ChangesBook of Changes " it is believe that the idea from this significant text is the origin of the "ring yang" "five elements" "taoism" "eight trigrams" "fang shui" etc... Matt + Jaime, any thoughts on this?

I have put together a little matrix of calligraphic of the character yi, each row is a different calligraphic/ text style from different era (second row and last row are the most ancient pictographic depiction) we could play with the idea Matt mentioned above with any of the the below characters? Any favourites?

This is another example of a logo i like, aesthetically. 创意铺子 "Creative shop"
the same idea can be applied to the english counter part of the logo


  1. do we need to have our logo design done for the competition? I'm brainstorming the logo design recently,will post something up when i have something substantial...

    I like the idea behind the logo too,I'll keep this in mind.


  2. like the idea, Matt! Something came to mind in shower :)

    the Chinese counter part to our workshop could be

    simplified 异作坊
    traditional 異作坊

    异/異 meaning different 作坊 meaning workshop

    I think it's precise and slick, what do you guys think?

    I am always fascinated by Chinese Calligraphy, they are elegant, expressive, artistic, and has a layers of historical significance behind each word. each character is a story in itself.

    I would love to see our logo derive from this direction, when i get some time over the next few weeks, i'll also have a go at coming up with several designs for the logo.

  3. I must admit Matt that you stole the thoughts from my mind as I was thinking of, and drawing, a orthogonal logo with regular pattern on one side and irregular or alternative on another; if that makes sense.

    Reflecting urban grids, order, development and at the same time alternatives. But I think we can integrate this idea with the concept of calligraphy...


  4. Hi guys

    Sounds like a goer with the Chinese name. It sounds exactly what we Are trying to capture.

    Jaime I like the idea of logo that is regular on one side, more irregular or abstract on the other - and captures an urban texture somehow

